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Pregnancy Consultation

Access expert, personalised support at any stage of your pregnancy. We go beyonroutine check-ups, offering you support and reassurance with a truly holistic approach on your own time . The focus is solely on you, your story, wishes and plans. Ask all your questions, share your concerns and let our expert midwife share her knowledge and experience with you, helping you make choices that feel truly aligned and right for you and your family.  This is not your standard pregnancy appointment; it's a dedicated space where your well-being takes centre stage, and all your queries find thoughtful answers based on traditional midwifery knowledge and the latest research.

3 reasons why families book a Pregnancy Consultation?


  1. They need more support than the standard NHS care offers in frequency or duration of appointments

  2. To get a second opinion and feel confident in their options and choices

  3. To meet our midwives when you're ready to take ultimate control of your experience and hire your own dream team

Location: in your home or online 

Fee: £150

Refunded with purchase of midwifery package

Additional mileage fees may apply

Take control of your experience! 

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Prenatal Testing (NIPT)

Image by Viviana Rishe

Genetic testing during pregnancy is now available in your home in East Sussex. From 10 weeks gestation, a simple blood test will provide you with the answers you're looking for about baby's development in just 4 days. 

We've recently upgraded our NIPT from the Harmony test to include detection of more genetic anomalies such as Turner, Klinefelter, Triple X and XYY syndromes. All NIPT samples will be tested for Down's, Edward's and Patau's syndromes routinely. At no additional cost, the new NIPT can also include determination of your baby's sex.

It's all in your control. We talk about your testing options in depth and you are at choice every step of the way, deciding what tests you wish for in this pregnancy for your peace of mind. You also get to control how you receive the results. 

For more information about our NIPT, please read the information leaflet here:

Fee: £350  

Additional mileage fees may apply


Postnatal Visit

Life after birth is a whirlwind of new routines, skills and emotions. Today's mamas have less support than ever before, yet expectations keep getting higher. You shouldn't have to struggle due to the lack of skilled support at hand... That's why we're here!

We want to fill a very significant gap in our national maternity services that leaves mothers feeling most unsupported when it really counts. 

Why do families book a Postnatal Visit?

Imagine being in the thick of life after birth: full of love, heart forever expanded. Also sleep deprived, covered in milk stains and living in a recovering body you don't recognise yet. While feeding and keeping a baby alive.

2 weeks in and all your official support is gone...what now? 


You book a Postnatal Visit and a caring expert steps into your home, offering not just a check-up, but a  holistic assessment of you and your little one's well-being. Your midwife will provide the support you need — whether it's feeding guidance, a comforting chat, or just someone there to truly listen and answer your questions. In these precious moments, let us help you take the best care of yourself, your baby and your family, making your postnatal experience joyful and empowering.

Location: in your home or online 

Fee: £180

Refunded with purchase of midwifery package 

Additional mileage fees may apply

Postnatal visit
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