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Groups & Courses

Get the support you need, wherever you are

One to one Consultation

Take control of your pregnancy, birth and recovery by booking your consultation and investing in yourself. We'll spend over an hour together looking at your circumstances, your goals, wishes and needs and help you make a plan you're truly happy with. 

Feel clear and confident in your options and choices with direct access to personalised, evidence based advice. 

  • personalised, evidence based advice

  • expert help with your birth plan, training wisely for birth and your recovery, planning for motherhood the clever way. Get all your questions answered

  • no BS guarantee

  • feel clear and confident about your birth options and choices

  • 75 min, 1 to 1 online meeting 

Cost: £150


An empowering movement class to help you explore the connection between your pelvic floor, core, breath and birth. Learn exercises and positions to create more space for your baby for an easier birth and a more comfortable pregnancy. Gain more awareness in your body, clarity and confidence in your options when it comes to birthing your baby.

The Mamabody Workshop

Take birth preparation to the next level

Mamabody is about standing in your power, developing the confidence to trust yourself and your body to birth your baby in the way you choose to. 

Included in the workshop: 

  • 3 hours - live, interactive teaching 

  • bespoke and responsive to your wishes and needs

  • daily exercise program (20 min) 

  • my continued support via email

Cost: £250


Hypnobirthing has become quite popular in recent years, and there are very good reasons why. Research has shown that hypnobirthing reduces the need for pain-relief in labour, including epidurals, reduces the need for interventions and increases your chances of having a vaginal birth without assistance. Hypnobirthing families also report greater satisfaction with their experience and are less likely to develop postnatal depression after more challenging births.

Hypnobirthing doesn't promise you a 'perfect' birth, but it undoubtedly supports you in having the birth you want and the confidence to adapt to change positively. With our approach and dedicated support, you will be able to address your fears and feel prepared for the wonderful, exciting experience of welcoming your baby.


Evolve your mindset and your understanding of birth. Feel ready for the changes of motherhood 

Research has shown hypnobirthing:

  • reduces the need for pain-relief in labour, including epidurals,

  • reduces the need for interventions​

  • increases your chances of having a vaginal birth without assistance.

Families also report greater satisfaction with their experience and are less likely to develop postnatal depression after more challenging births.

Hypnobirthing doesn't promise you the "perfect birth", but it undoubtedly supports you in having the birth you want and most importantly the confidence to adapt to change positively.

With my approach and dedicated support, you will feel prepared for the wonderful, exciting experience of welcoming your baby.

Different packages available below


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